August 21-September 7
What are crystals?
Crystals are a special kind of solid material where the molecules fit together in a repeating pattern. This pattern causes the material to form all sorts of unique shapes.
Amethyst Crystal
How do they form?
Crystals form in one of 3 ways
Reaction, Freezing or Evaporation
The process of crystal forming is called crystallization. Crystals often form in nature when liquids cool and start to harden. Certain molecules in the liquid gather together as they attempt to become stable. They do this in a uniform and repeating pattern that forms the crystal.
Optional Reading: Article: Ancient Magma Crystals Could Help Us Predict Eruptions
In nature, crystals can form when liquid rock, called magma, cools. If it cools slowly, then crystals may form. Many valuable crystals such as diamonds, rubies, and emeralds form this way.
Another way crystals form is when water evaporates from a mixture. Salt crystals often form as salt water evaporates.
What unique properties do crystals have?
Crystals can have very flat surfaces called facets. They can form geometric shapes such as triangles, rectangles, and squares. The shapes are a direct result of the type of molecules and atoms that make up the crystal. Smaller crystals and larger crystals that were formed of the same molecules and in the same method should have similar shapes.
There are seven basic crystal shapes, also called lattices. They are Cubic, Trigonal, Triclinic, Orthorhombic, Hexagonal, Tetragonal, and Monoclinic.
Interesting Types of Crystals
Snowflakes - Snowflakes are ice crystals that are formed high in the clouds when water freezes. They always have six sides or arms, but every one of them is unique.
PUBLISHED 1:00 PM ET JAN. 09, 2022
Timing crystals - When an electric current is sent through some crystals they vibrate at a very precise frequency. Quartz crystals are used in watches and other electronics to keep an accurate time.
Quartz - Quartz is a common mineral and crystal. It is one of the hardest common minerals. The gemstone amethyst is a purple type of quartz.
Diamonds - Diamonds are one of the most valuable minerals on Earth. Not only for jewelry, but diamond is also the hardest substance on earth and is used for special tools such as diamond saws. Diamond is a form of the element carbon.
Fun facts About Crystals
Crystallography is the science of studying crystals and how they form.
Some crystals, like diamonds, are really just one giant molecule made from lots of atoms of a single element.
A lot of computer screens use liquid crystals for their display.
They are very popular in jewelry because they can sparkle and come in many different colors.
Some living organisms are able to produce crystals.
Grow your own crystals
How to Grow a Perfect Copper Acetate Crystal with Scrap Copper & Vinegar
How to Preserve Crystals
Beyond its importance in science and technology, the word crystal is full of evocations such as purity, transparency, beauty, equilibrium, reason, intelligence, energy, power… the notion of crystal has transcended scientific thinking to also inspire the arts, from literature to painting, from architecture to dance, from music to filmmaking. Did you know that crystals were the first objects to be collected by hominids? Have you noticed the influence the idea of crystal has had in modern architecture? Do you know what the keys to crystalline beauty are?
PART 1: Take 15-20 minutes to explore this presentation - go to the Posters tab to see the menu of crystal topics. Explore.
In your sketchbook, title a page "Crystals" and write something interesting you learned from exploring the presentation.
RUBRIC : Sketchbook response to Crystals A World to Discover online presentation 5 points
______ / 1 journal page is titled "Crystals"
______ / 4 includes a 4-5 sentence minimum description detailing something interesting and why
Visit the gallery Galeria de Minerals FMF to view examples of crystal paintings.
PART 3: Make some preliminary sketches (3 different crystals) of multiple views (2 views) of crystal compositions working from life. Practice a color scheme using colored pencils.
RUBRIC : Sketchbook crystal sketches 10 points
______ / 6 Sketchbook drawings include at least 2 views of 3 different crystals
______ / 4 Minimum of 1 drawing of a crystal is detailed in colored pencil
PART 4: Transfer your sketch to a final drawing on watercolor paper and paint the image with crystal infused gouache. Make a sampler painting using color scheme including each f the 3 crystal infusions.
Grow crystals with:
Copper Sulfate instructions
Sodium Chloride instructions
Magnesium Sulfate (Epsom salts) Instructions
Paint for Paper
Pour 1/2 cup Epsom salt into a glass container such as a measuring cup that holds more than 1 cup of liquid. Boil water; then pour 1/2 cup of the hot water into the Epsom salt, stirring to blend the materials completely. Brush the paint onto thick dark paper such as indigo or black construction paper while the liquid is fairly warm, creating straight lines, words or designs. Allow the painted liquid to evaporate without going back over the same lines again; otherwise, the crystals may not form properly.
Wild Watercolors
Create your own crystal-forming watercolor paints using Epsom salt, table salt, food coloring and water. Pour 1 tablespoon each of Epsom salt and water into a shallow container, adding a few pinches of table salt and a drop or two of your favorite liquid food coloring. Swirl the container around to mix the materials, then paint with it on thick watercolor paper. Once the moisture evaporates completely -- which may take an entire day -- it leaves behind colored crystals atop the painted paper, adding an extra dimension to your creative work.
Let the paintings dry. What will happen as the water evaporates?
RUBRIC : Gouache crystal infused painting 10 points
______ /3 Sampler strip includes each f the 3 crystal infusions with proposed color scheme.
_______/5 final painting includes evidence of at least one type of crystal
______ / 2 painting is labeled with crystal / mineral name and crystal type
PART 5: Photograph the crystals under a microscope. We are looking for interesting color, texture and composition.
Select your three best images and submit to the dropbox on Schoology called Crystal Photographs. Consider color, crystal evidence and composition.
RUBRIC, crystal photographs
_____ / 5 points completion grade for each image totaling 15 points